Our Future
The Eureka NAACP works to ensure that all disadvantaged students and Black and Brown, Latinx, Indigenous, and People of Color have access to diverse, equitable, and inclusive instruction, resources, and curriculum. We are dedicated to eliminating the severe racial inequities that continue to plague our Humboldt County education system. Our ultimate goal is that every student of color receives a quality public education that prepares them to be a contributing member of a democracy.
“Either America will destroy ignorance or ignorance will destroy the United States.” ― W.E.B. DuBois
David Josiah Lawson Scholarship
The David Josiah Lawson Memorial Scholarship awards funds to college-bound Black, Brown, and Indigenous, high school seniors based on academic achievement and service to their community.
Eureka NAACP supports Black Student Unions (BSU) throughout Humboldt County middle/high-schools, Universities, and Colleges. Together they are known as the All Humboldt Black Student Union (AHBSU). If you are a Black student interested in joining please e-mail
Educators for Equity
If you work on a school campus (TK-12 and Colleges) and want to work to make schools a welcoming, safe, nurturing, empowering, and enriching place for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color students, families, and coworkers please join us.
Create a larger community of educators and educational support staff working on equity in Humboldt County schools.
Continue learning about ways to deepen our personal learning and share resources.
Share ideas about what is working on your campus for institutional and structural changes and what you need support with on your campus.
Monthly on 2nd Saturdays, 10:00 am - 11:30 am